1. As a teacher, I am… a leader, adaptable, passionate, patient, dependable, understanding, fun, energetic, vulnerable, empathetic, organized

2. Learning happens when…students feel safe and happy

3. Learning is…fun, fair, equitable, meaningful, helpful, fulfilling, enriching

4. Learning happens when…students can communicate and collaborate regarding what they are being taught, as a class and with each other in groups

5. Learning happens when…there is a balance between expectations, order, and organization along with freedom and creativity; there are established co-created classroom expectations that students understand are necessary for a classroom to run effectively for their benefit

6. My classroom…celebrates diversity in all of its forms; each student brings something unique and special to the classroom that is appreciated by all

Teaching Philosophy





My personal philosophy of education

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Have ambitions, have goals, have dreams. Make them happen.

7. My classroom is… equitable; ensures students no matter their learning level and abilities will be able to succeed. Differentiated learning and accommodations are essential in this process.

8. As a teacher…I respect that delicate balance between having students feel safe and comfortable with me as I am friendly but understand that I am not their friend and that I am their teacher. That line is never crossed but being able to navigate it properly is essential for students to enjoy you as their teacher and their leader so they can have fun and get work done.

9. Learning happens when…there is assessment for learning and of learning. A teacher needs to determine what their students know and what they still need to learn, as do their students – this is done effectively through formative assessment (assessment for learning). Through this process, a teacher can determine when students are ready to be evaluated, and students can rise to the occasion as they feel prepared to do so (assessment of learning)

10. Learning happens when...risks are taken and mistakes are reflected on. A growth mindset is modelled and reinforced in my classroom and I provide a safe space to make this shift and/or practice this energy.